
Spoon Dairy
Spoon Dairy Farm

Dairy Farm Grant Opportunity

Calling all dairy farmers interested in participating

The Dairy Transitions Farmland Protection Initiative is focused on dairy farms that are either looking to diversify their operation, or transfer to the next generation or a new ownership.

This grant opportunity is being offered to enable eligible applicants, like Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust, to specifically implement conservation easement projects with owners of viable agricultural lands that are associated with a Dairy Farm Operation at risk of conversion to non-farm uses. Proceeds from the sale of a conservation easement on viable agricultural land will offer landowners an opportunity to either reinvest those monies to enable greater diversification of the farm operation or the transfer of ownership to a new owner of the same or different type of farm operation.

Projects are limited to permanent conservation easements on dairy farm operations on viable agricultural land that is transitioning to: (1) the next ownership of a continuing dairy farm, but whose operation has been modified to ensure greater financial sustainability, (2) a more diversified overall farm operation, while continuing, at least in part, as a dairy, or (3) a different type of non-dairy farm operation. If you are a dairy farmer that fits this description and is located in Jefferson, Lewis, Oneida or Oswego County, Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust would like to work with you.  If you have additional questions or would like to discuss your eligibility for this program, please contact JJ Schell at (315) 779-8240 or