Land Protection

fields and ponds full of wildlife

A New Gem in Tug Hill’s Conservation Efforts

Keller Mohawk Hill Public Conservation Area

In 2021, the Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust, in partnership with Ducks Unlimited, successfully acquired 77 acres of restored grassland in the Town of West…

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lush forest
Angela Turin Bartelotte

Forest conservation is a top priority

NYS Bond Act Funds

On Nov. 8, 2022, New Yorkers overwhelmingly approved the $4.2 billion Environmental Bond Act. State agencies, local governments, and partners will be able to access…

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stream flowing with spring runoff in the woods
D. MacDuff

Preserving nature’s legacy

Forest stewardship and community collaboration

In the heart of our local Tug Hill region lies a hidden gem – what is often referred to as the Core Forest. A region…

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bright healthy farm fields

Is conservation right for you, or someone you know?

Would you like to protect your land? Do you know someone who might be interested in protecting their farm, woodlands, or wetlands? People protect their…

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mowed trail through tall grasses in the fall
Heidi Jones

Nature close to home

Your health and well-being and the future of conservation are linked

With today’s hectic lives full of work, school, sports, and family happenings, we all need easy-to-access public outdoor spaces close to home where we can…

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performing ongoing trail maintenance

An unwavering love of Tug Hill

Bob and Carol Keller honored for their conservation efforts

If you are looking for folks who walk the conservation walk, you have found them. Bob and Carol Keller have stood by the land trust…

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milkweed and native flowers beside pond
Glen Roberts

Amenities for you coming soon in some very special places

Can you feel the anticipation? Plans for making nature areas close to you accessible are underway, and we’re excited to get you out and moving…

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adult feeding two baby swallows
Jeannine Eckel

Conservation is vital for birds and people

We’ve seen the miraculous return of our feathered friends from their winter in the warm south and can now enjoy watching as they nest and…

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Sunlight showing through the trees

New York’s forest at a crossroads

Critical for wildlife, water, recreation and economy Some of New York’s most important wildlife habitat resides in large expanses of forest land. Tug Hill’s forests…

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fall foliage
Heidi Jones

Forests provide more than timber

It wasn’t that long ago when Tug Hill’s woodlands seemed to go on forever, a haven for people and wildlife alike. Over the years, as…

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