Business Sponsorships
Is your business interested in helping to celebrate, and maintain, the special places of Tug Hill?
The region’s landscape—it’s farms, forests, rivers and streams—are a big part of why people live and work here. Businesses, both large and small, are playing a role in helping to ensure that we can offer free educational program, assist families to conserve their land, and maintain trails and wildlife.
You too can be part of this and simultaneously raise your businesses profile as a land trust sponsor for our events, programs, or as a member. Some businesses volunteer as a team to help with trail days; others sponsor a program or special event; and there are those that help to underwrite a specific conservation effort. The ones who really want to step it up do all three.
Each year opportunities are different so please call Emily Males, Communications and Marketing Director, at (315) 779-8240 or email her at and she’ll be happy to brainstorm about what feels right to you.