
Jen Harvill

Waterfalls added to the Tug Hill Recreation Guide

The best way to experience one of the most remote parts of New York State continues to be in the trails, forests, and riverbeds of the Tug Hill region.

As seasonal rains begin to swell the streams and rivers, gorgeous water scenery comes alive in the region, as seen in the many scenic waterfalls throughout the four counties. Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust, in partnership with the 1000 Islands International Tourism Council, Lewis County Chamber of Commerce, Oneida County Tourism, Oswego County Tourism, and The Tug Hill Commission is pleased to share an addition to the Tug Hill Recreation Guide: Waterfalls!

Venture out and explore.

For the year 2022, we have mapped a selection of 22 waterfalls within the Tug Hill region that we encourage you to add to your sightseeing list. This new resource will help you find these water features, ascertain trail difficulty, identify any available parking, and more. To view the Recreation Guide, please see, and take note of the new
“Waterfalls” tab!

Salmon River Falls, included on the “22 for 2022” list and pictured above, is arguably the most well-known in the region, measuring around 110 feet. Whether flowing or frozen, Salmon River Falls has a multi-season beauty visible from various viewing platforms along the marked trail. For more detailed information, directions, parking, and links, check out the Visit Tug Hill’s interactive google map and look for the waterfall icons