Home > Events > Reservations Required > January Owl Prowl Upcoming Events « All Events This event has passed. January Owl Prowl February 6, 20214:30 pm « Webinar: Conservation Easements 101 – Fact vs Fiction Webinar: Farmland Conservation » Due to cold temperatures our January Owl Prowl will be move to Saturday, February 6th. All those that have registered will be notified of the date change. Registration is currently full for this event, however there are still spots remaining for our February outing. See February Owl Prowl event for details. Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust (THTLT) invites you to come learn about and prowl for owls on at 4:30 pm at the Joseph A. Blake Wildlife Sanctuary in Rutland. We’ll start by learning a bit about the owls we might encounter, then take a twilight walk to listen and look! This year’s owl prowls are free for the public, thanks to generous support from GYMO and Cross Island Farms. Registration is required no later than Friday, January 29th. Attendance is limited. Masks are required. We’ll start in the parking lot at 31270 Middle Road, in Rutland, NY. Bring along a flashlight or headlamp, dress for the weather, and wear sturdy boots or shoes. If there is enough snow, and you have them, you are welcome to use snowshoes. The land trust also has a limited number of snowshoes for children and adults available upon request for use during our outings. Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Details Date: February 6, 2021 Time: 4:30 pm Venue Joseph A. Blake Wildlife Sanctuary 31241 Middle Rd. Watertown, NY 13601 + Google Map